The Importance of Braces

Why are straight teeth important?

Straight teeth not only foster self-confidence, but straight teeth are also healthy teeth because they are easier to clean. In addition, poor tooth alignment can cause tooth decay and gum disease due to the inability to brush or floss properly.

Are braces only cosmetic?

While braces will correct cosmetic concerns that might make you self-conscious, braces will also make other positive impacts on your life and overall health. Early treatment corrects bite issues that can affect speech, eating, and oral hygiene. Additionally, treatment is also essential to preventing you from wearing down the tooth surface and prevents gum disease and decay.

What causes orthodontic problems?

Orthodontic problems are usually inherited but can also be caused by bad oral habits such as thumb-sucking and thrusting your tongue against your teeth. Braces and appliances can correct these issues and also curb the bad oral habits that may have contributed to them. For adults, aging, pregnancy, tooth loss, and cavities can also require orthodontic treatment.

What happens if I don’t get braces now?

Depending on the severity of your case, putting braces off for “down the road” may cause problems to become more severe. Putting treatment off often requires complex treatment and can lead to jaw surgery or extractions. It also puts your oral health at risk. For children, it is best to be seen at age 7 for their first orthodontic consultation so that we can monitor and guide their growth and development, reducing the need for future orthodontics.

When to Get Braces

What is the best age to get braces?

Braces are great at any age! There is no limit to when you can have braces or when you should get them. Orthodontic treatment can affect many aspects of your life, including your confidence, so there is no expiration date on when you can achieve your perfect smile.

When should I have an initial consultation?

The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that everyone have a consultation by age seven. However, there is no limitation on when you can start orthodontic treatment. We offer complimentary consultations for patients of all ages.

Why should I get braces as an adult?

Nowadays, adult braces are more and more common due to faster treatment times and invisible braces. Getting treatment as an adult will allow you to have more self-confidence, which can positively affect how you perform in your career. Your overall oral health, as well as the health of your entire body, is greatly impacted by orthodontic treatment, helping you keep your teeth for your entire lifetime.

Living With Braces

How long do I need to wear braces?

Every case is different. Your doctor will give you your treatment length at your initial consultation. As long as you follow your doctor’s instructions, you should get your braces off on time!

Do I have to continue to see my dentist?

Yes! You should continue to see your dentist every six months for your normal check-up and cleaning. Going to visit your dentist more frequently while you have braces can actually help your orthodontic treatment progress.

How often do I have to come in?

Adjustments to your braces and appliances are made every 6-8 weeks, but you are always free to call our office with any questions that arise between visits.

Will my diet change?

You can eat many of the same foods with braces that you eat without, but you have to avoid hard, sticky or chewy foods that can break brackets. Eating with braces impacts how you eat more than what you eat, which means you have to take smaller bites and cut up foods you might just bite into without braces.

Can I play sports or instruments?

Absolutely. It may take some adjusting to get used to playing your instrument, and you need to wear a non-formfitting mouth guard to play contact sports!

Do I need to wear my retainer?

When you finish treatment, you should wear your retainer exactly as your doctor instructs. This ensures your beautiful smile stays beautiful for the rest of your life!

Getting Started With Braces

Do I need a referral from a dentist?

You do not need to be referred to an orthodontist from your family dentist. You can schedule your consultation without a referral if you are interested in learning more about orthodontics and how it can benefit you!

Are there alternatives to braces?

There are many options when it comes to treatment! We offer alignersclear braces, and even invisible behind the teeth braces. Ask your treatment coordinator at your complimentary exam!

My dentist does braces, why do I need an orthodontist?

An orthodontist has more schooling than a general dentist and is considered an expert. They are tested very strictly on their knowledge and clinical skills, attending three additional years of school and residency focused entirely on orthodontics to give them a full understanding of how teeth move and shift.

What if my child or myself is apprehensive?

We understand orthodontics is a big step! Our staff is expertly trained at dealing with young children and anxious patients and are wonderful working with special needs kids. We want to make everyone comfortable with our office by the time they leave their first visit!

What is Phase I and Phase II treatment?

Phase I treatment, or early treatment, is done before all permanent teeth have erupted with the use of appliances. This phase guides jaw growth and size. Phase II, when you will have braces, straightens individual teeth. Depending on your case, you may only have one phase of treatment.

Do braces hurt?

With modern technology you can’t even tell when your braces are put on! You may experience a little tenderness as your teeth shift, but it will subside rather quickly.

How do I get started with braces?

Getting started with braces is easy! Call our office or request an appointment online through our easy scheduler. We will set up a time for you to meet with our treatment coordinator and your doctor. They will walk you through every step!

Finances and Your Braces

Are braces covered by insurance?

When you schedule your complimentary consultation we are able to provide a free benefits check to determine if your insurance will cover any part of your orthodontic treatment.

What does treatment cost?

The cost of treatment varies depending on the severity, length of time, and type of braces you choose. In your initial exam you will learn about all of the options available to you, including our interest-free payment plans.